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Event Information

Learning contents

The teams will be utilizing design thinking methodologies that overall will follow the execution of a Design Sprint: from a problem-setting to the test of a prototype solution.


In the scope of Circular Economy you will learn to:

  • Map a full life cycle of a product

  • Link each stage of the life cycle of a product with possible different impacts (social and environmental)

  • Apply specific mixed strategies to ‘close loops’ through the whole life cycle

  • Think and design in terms of product-service-systems

  • team-work and design thinking by going through a design sprint. 


In the scope of Additive Manufacturing we will discuss:

  • The selection of sustainable materials for AM

  • Optimization of product architectures for AM

  • How to Bridge AM and mass customization

  • The CAD workflows for AM 

PhD student credits

Aalto University students are eligible for 2 ECTS credits.


‘Circular sprint: Additive Manufacturing to foster Circular Design’ is recognised as a specialist course in the:


  • Doctoral School of AHL (Natural Sciences), Ghent University

  • Doctoral School of BSE ((Bioscience) Engineering, Ghent University


As a student in another University, you may be eligible for credits as well. Please verify with the study coordinator of your home University. The two weeks will total an estimated 45 hours of lectures, workshops, and teamwork.


Participation in the event is free for students. However, the participants fund themselves any costs related to travel, accommodation, or food.

Get in contact for quotations for companies and professionals. 


  • 3D-printing costs included

  • Lunch & snacks provided during the three-day prototyping at the fablab

  • Video-conference access provided: Zoom

  • Teamwork platform provided: Miro

  • Lectures can be downloaded at the end of the event

Prior knowledge

The aim is to create multidisciplinary teams, therefore not everyone is asked to have prior knowledge on Additive Manufacturing. Nonetheless, prior experiences in one of the domains below is considered a plus.

  • 3D-printing

  • Business modelling

  • Market research

  • ​Material sciences

  • User testing

  • Circular economy

Selection procedure

1. Subscribe to the event. 

     Subscribe to the event on this website.


2. Selection of participants. 

     Participants will be selected and a notice of selection will be communicated to the applicants.


3. Intake video call. 

    Participants will be contacted for a short video call for optimal team matching closer to the event.

System requirements

Computer or laptop with working microphone and camera (test upfront) 

A decent internet connection: minimum bandwidth 600 kbps (up/down), recommended 1,5 Mbps (up/down)


©2020 door CRAFTH (CiRculair design and manuFacTuring Hackathon). Met trots gemaakt met

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